
More about me and this blog

Hi I'm Bharghav

I have a passion for everything Javascript. I enjoy building software related to web dev. I work mainly with Typescript, React and Node.

See more about my working experiences on my resume page.

Why have this blog?

Because sharing is learning

I started this blog as a way to document and share the things I have learned and found useful in my journey as a software engineer.

Writing and noting things down is a great way for me to solidify my understanding of new concepts and technologies, and I hope that my blog can be a helpful resource for others who are interested in web development, eCommerce, and related technologies.

I would be highly appreciated if you could leave your comments and thoughts on what I have written .

Tech stack

This blog is hosted on Vercel, built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS using Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog.

A huge thanks to Timothy Lin for the minimal, lightweight, and super easy-to-customize blog starter.

A few major over-engineering-changes from the original repo:

  • Upgrading to React 18, Next 13
  • Adopting Typescript, committing with Conventional Commits
  • Monitoring site with Umami website analytics
  • Theming in dark mode with Github dark dimmed colors for better contrast
  • Making a lot of changes to the UI, new homepage design, adding ProfileCard, CareerTimeline components, adding /snippets, /resume page, etc.
  • Bumping up mdx-bundler, rehype/remark plugins and dependencies to the latest version
  • Integrating PWA support for an enhanced mobile user experience and offline access


Most of the images in my blog are from Unsplash, gifs from GIPHY, and illustrations are from Storyset.

Thanks for the free resources


Get in touch with me via my social media accounts: